Gravity fades away







     Gravity fades away

Register now

FITNESS for pregnancy, birth & parenthood

CONNECT with other pregnant women 

MINIMISE PAIN. Pregnancy is challenging enough without it

PELVIC FLOOR information & exercises

ACCESS EXPERT KNOWLEDGE from a women's health physiotherapist about pregnancy, birth & beyond. Weekly topics. Ask questions.

BLISS out in a beautiful, private, safely heated pool ...sans gravity 🤍 🤍

For only $10 per class!

Thanks to the incredible support of the Noosa Council ❤️

space filler

space filler

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Thursdays 7am-8am

Noosa Springs

The instructor

  • Master’s degree in Women’s Health Physiotherapy
  • Mother of 2: experienced very different pregnancies and births 

  • Supported countless women for their pelvic health... pregnant & post partum is my absolute favourite

  • Work at Alchemy in Motion

  • Years of teaching prep for birth (antenatal) classes collaboratively with midwives & independently

  • Teach workshops for other health professionals about pelvic floor/birth interactions
  • Overhauled perineal massage instruction & developed the Perineal Massage with Confidence online courses for pregnant women and pelvic floor professionals

Everyone is warmly welcomed regardless of their background or birth preferences. 


I love teaching these classes!

Hope you can join us ☺️



Farewell gravity
Join 'the pod' 😉❤️
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I know someone who will love this class!

"I'm sending them to instagram right now so they can link to this website easily"



No payment or commitment required

I take full responsibility for any occurrences in the pool. If health conditions arise in future - I will let the instructor know. I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the below declaration including the warning, exclusion of liability, release and indemnity. WARNING: Both exercise and pools carry risks of injuries. I have voluntarily read and understood this warning and accept the inherent risks. Participants may at times be photographed/filmed. These may be displayed on social media - typically 'stories' which disappear after 24hours. I am aware that I can opt out, but it is my responsibility to remind the instructor of my preferences. I understand that if I do not opt out, the instructor may use footage/images of me at their discretion.


There are 2 types of contraindications:
  • 'ABSOLUTE' contraindications make participation unsafe.
  • 'RELATIVE' contraindications are conditions that MIGHT make it unsafe for you to participate... but sometimes the benefits of the exercise outweigh the risks. Discuss with your Dr, and if participation is allowed - organise a signed letter stating so.


If anything on either list below applies to you at any point in your pregnancy, or there is any other significant medical condition that could influence your safety in the pool:
  • You are not allowed into the pool UNLESS you have a signed letter from your Dr stating that you are allowed to. If there are any restrictions on your activities in the pool, they should be included in the letter.
  • Share this useful article by Meah et al (2020) with your Dr prior to decision making about your suitability for the class. 
  • You must let the instructor know at your first class, and keep them updated about any changes relevant to safety.
Absolute contraindications:

- Severe respiratory diseases (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, restrictive lung disease and cystic fibrosis)

- Severe acquired or congenital heart disease with exercise intolerance

- Uncontrolled or severe arrhythmia

- Placental abruption

- Vasa previa

- Uncontrolled type 1 diabetes

- Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)

- Active pre-term labour

- Severe pre-eclampsia

- Cervical insufficiency


Relative contraindications: 

- Mild respiratory disorders

- Mild congenital or acquired heart disease

- Mild pre-eclampsia

- Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROMs)

- Placenta previa after 28 weeks 

- Untreated thyroid disease

- Symptomatic, severe eating disorder

- Multiple nutrient deficiencies and /or chronic undernutrition

- Moderate-heavy smoking (>20 cigarettes per day) in the presence of co-morbidities


What about swimming ability?

Swimming ability is not essential for the class at Noosa Springs. However, if you don’t feel confident in deep water, you must let the instructor know, and remind her at each class. Most of the pool is easy to stand in and we always use floatation devices where it is deeper. Even in the deepest part, you could easily jump to the surface for a breath.

Hope to see you at the pool!